汇编语言(Assembly Language)是任何一种用于电子计算机、微处理器、微控制器或其他可编程器件的低级语言,亦称为符号语言。在汇编语言中,用助记符代替机器指令的操作码,用地址符号或标号代替指令或操作数的地址。在不同的设备中,汇编语言对应着不同的机器语言指令集,通过汇编过程转换成机器指令。特定的汇编语言和特定的机器语言指令集是一一对应的,不同平台之间不可直接移植。
MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages)
- 过去非常流行:三分之一的RISC芯片基于MIPS
- 今天仍在使用:路由器、嵌入式系统、视频游戏机
- 学习MIPS对学习其他RISC汇编语言100%有帮助,比如ARM
- 计算机组织简介
- 数位系统以及其算法1
- C & C++中的常见的运算符和运算操作



- 程序(program)通常包含几个模块。
- 模块(module)通常包含对其他模块的引用(以使用数据或子例程)。
- 链接(linker):组合独立组装的目标文件并解析引用

- 速度快,存储空间小,不需要编译器
- 可以利用高级语言不具备的某些硬件功能。
- 什么时候使用?当对速度,尺寸,性能等有严格要求时…
- 示例:设计汽车制动器的控制单元
- 特定于机器的:必须完全重写才能在另一台计算机体系结构上运行
- 比高级语言更长的时间-耗时且漏洞多
- 很难写
- CPU对寄存器执行操作
- 操作可以分为两类:
- 内存访问(在内存和寄存器之间加载和存储数据)
- ALU操作(寄存器之间的操作)
- 只有一小部分简单的说明
- 在此集合上建立更复杂的功能
- 与复杂指令集计算机(CISC)不同,在复杂指令集计算机(CISC)中,一条指令可能对应于复杂操作
- 两种不同的设计理念
- 寄存器 (Registers)
- 主内存(知道要访问的地址)
- 指示
First digital extention:1101 0111 -> 1111 1111 1101 0111,0011 1001 -> 0000 0000 0011 1001
Zero extention: 1101 0111 -> 0000 0000 1101 0111
Immediate and const are lenth of 16bits,which need to be extended brfore they are saved in memory.
How to realize it?

MIPS Registers
- 32 general-purpose registers
- each has 32 bits
- some are reserved for special purposes
- Naming: how to refer to these registers
- start with “$”
- directly use register number: $0 through $31 (decimal)
- they also have names: $t1, $sp (better to use names in assembly language)
- Hi and Lo registers
- for multiplication and division
- e.g., with 32 bits numbers, multiplication and division result in 64 bits numbers
- not directly addressable; must use special instructions to access (mfhi — move from Hi, mflo — move from lo)
- for multiplication and division
- 栈的走向是从高地址到低地址
Register Number寄存器编号 | Alternative Name寄存器名 | Description寄存器用途 |
0 | zero | the value 0永远返回零 |
1 | $at | (assembler temporary) reserved by the assembler汇编保留寄存器(不可做其他用途) |
2-3 | $v0 - $v1 | (values) from expression evaluation and function results(Value简写)存储表达式或者是函数的返回值 |
4-7 | $a0 - $a3 | (arguments) First four parameters for subroutine. Not preserved across procedure calls(Argument简写)存储子程序的前4个参数,在子程序调用过程中释放 |
8-15 | $t0 - $t7 | (temporaries) Caller saved if needed. Subroutines can use w/out saving. Not preserved across procedure calls(Temp简写)临时变量,同上调用时不保存 |
16-23 | $s0 - $s7 | (saved values) - Callee saved. A subroutine using one of these must save original and restore it before exiting. Preserved across procedure calls(Saved or Static简写?)静态变量?调用时保存 |
24-25 | $t8 - $t9 | (temporaries) Caller saved if needed. Subroutines can use w/out saving. These are in addition to $t0 - $t7 above. Not preserved across procedure calls.(Temp简写)算是前面$0$7的一个继续,属性同$t0$t7 |
26-27 | $k0 - $k1 | reserved for use by the interrupt/trap handler(breaK off简写?)中断函数返回值,不可做其他用途 |
28 | $gp | global pointer. Points to the middle of the 64K block of memory in the static data segment.**(Global Pointer简写)指向64k(2^16)大小的静态数据块的中间地址(字面上好像就是这个意思,块的中间) |
29 | $sp | stack pointer *Points to last location on the stack.**(*Stack Pointer简写)栈指针,指向的是栈顶 |
30 | fp | saved value / frame pointer Preserved across procedure calls(Saved/Frame Pointer简写)帧指针 |
31 | $ra | return address返回地址,目测也是不可做其他用途 |

Other MIPS Registers
Special registers
e.g., PC
programmer cannot access with most instructions
Hi and Lo registers
- for multiplication and division
- e.g., with 32 bits numbers, multiplication and division result in 64 bits numbers
- not directly addressable; must use special instructions to access (mfhi — move from Hi, mflo — move from lo)
MIPS内存布局:内存的组织方式 (MIPS Memory Layout — How is memory organized)
- 用户程序只能使用一部分内存
- 从0x80000000到0x FFFFFFFF(顶部)用于操作系统和ROM
- 可以用于用户程序的部分分为三个部分
- 文本,数据和堆栈段(Text Segment, Data Segment, and Stack Segment)

- Text segment:存储用户程序的机器语言(文本)
- Data segment:存储程序运行的数据
- 静态数据(static data):数据的大小是已知的,并且在由汇编程序分配时不会更改
- 动态数据(dynamic data):在程序执行时分配和释放
- Stack Segment:用来存放局部变量和函数返回地址。随着过程的激活和停用,变量和参数被压入并弹出堆栈。
存储器中的基本“单位(units)”是 字节byte(8 位「bits比特」)
- bit比特值 可为0或1
字节值 可为一个字节
8比特bit = 1字节byte,是因为8个bit可以表示一个byte
内存中总共有2 ^ {32}个字节;
地址范围:0x00000000至0x FFFFFFFF
- 注:0x表示十六进制数
- 注:地址0x后面的每一个值都占一个字节,
32位=4字节,可表示4^16 = 2 ^32个不同的地址 。故地址是32位长。
所以32位处理器也代表每个地址长度为32比特,64位处理器也代表每个地址长度为64比特。由此推断32bit处理器最大支持 2^32byte = 4GByte内存,64位处理器最大支持 2^64 = 2147483648GByte内存。

- Operations(操作方式)
- load: copy a bit pattern (could be data or instruction) in a designated(特定的) address in memory to a register (memory -> register)
- store: copy a bit pattern from register to memory at a designated address (register -> memory)
- 内存通常以连续字节(一组字节)进行访问
- one byte = 8 bits
- one word = 4 bytes = 32bits(仅适用于MIPS)
- double word = 8 bytes = 64bits (仅适用于MIPS)
- Memory is used to store instructions and data
- instruction has a fixed length of one word(指令的固定长度为一个字)
- data can have various bytes
- one byte = 8 bits
- one word = 2 bytes(仅适用于x86_64)
- double word = 4 bytes = 64 bits(仅适用于x86_64)

MIPS Instructions 介绍
- There are 3 types of instructions in MIPS
- R-type instructions
- I-type instructions
- J-type instructions
- each instruction has 32 bits(fixed)
R-type Instructions
three arguments(参数): two source registers(源寄存器) (rt and rs) and one destination register(目标寄存器) (rd)
written as instruction
rd, rs, rt
- example:
add $t0, $t1, $t2
meaning that add the values in $t1 and $t2 and stores the result in $t0
- example:
The machine code
- “instruction rd, rs, rt” is a line of code in assembly language
- need to translate it to machine language (binary) — assembler
- the machine code has fixed format (32 bits)

op or opcode(operation code):indicate the type of an instruction; all R-type instructions have opcode 000000
rs, rt, rd
:indicate which register
- length = 5bits
- 5bits reason:there are 2^4 =32 general-purpose registers
- example: rd = 01000 -> register $8 = $t0
- length = 5bits
shamt: used in shift instruction; how many positions (bits) to shift
funct: indicate which instruction; e.g., 100000 -> add


I-type Instructions
- three arguments: two registers (rt and rs) and a 16-bit “immediate” value
- immediate value
- store the value directly within the instruction
- could be a constant serving as one operand in the arithmetic operation ,or an address in load/store instructions
- assembly language: instruction rs, rt, imm (but not always)
Machine code
- op: specify which instruction (different from R-type)

Example: bitwise OR operation (ori)
assembly language:
ori rs, rt, imm
- operation: take the bit-wise OR between the value stored in rs and imm, then store the result in rt
- example: ori $0, $8, 0x2
- what is $0? : constant value 0
- what is 0x2 —> It means 2 in hexadecimal,but its essence is 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 in 32 bits.

Is there any problem for the bit-wise OR?
Yes! Value in $0 has 32 bits, imm has 16 bits; how can we do bit-wise OR?
- zero extension: MIPS will zero-extend the 16-bit operand imm to 31 bits, by padding with zeros on the left
- 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 (0x2)
- 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (value in $0)
- 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 (put in $8)
What’s the effect of ori (bit-wise OR)?
such as: loading the value stored in imm to the target register, by using the constant value in $0;
举例:use ori to load decimal 17 into register $t1ori $0 $t1 0xF1
Example: load word (lw)
operation: load a word from memory at a designated address to a register
problem: we need to specify the memory address (32 bits) in the instruction (32 bits); how can we do that?
the address of that memory has 32 bits,the length of instruction is 32-bit
solution: An instruction that refers to memory uses a base register and an offset. The base register is a general purpose register that contains a 32-bit address. The offset is a 16-bit signed integer contained in the instruction. The sum of the address in the base register with the (sign-extended) offset forms the memory address.
memory address = base address + offset
offset: a 16-bit signed constant (immediate value「立即数」)
basere (a name of the register to put data in) : the register containing the base address
assembly language: lw, destreg, offset (basereg)
Example: lw $8, 0x60 ($10)
suppose $10 stores the value 0x00400000 (base address)
memory address = 0x00400060
load the word in the memory (0x00400060) to $8

Example: store word (sw)
- assembly language: sw, t, offset (basereg)
- operation: copy the data stored in register t to the memory at address ( base address in basereg + offset)
- example: sw $12, 0x50 ($13)
Other data transfer instructions (not exhaustive) in I-type

J-type Instructions
- Function: control the program flow to a given instruction
- Format: instruction addr
Typical example: j addr (jump to the instruction at address addr / change the content of pc)

Machine code

Again, we have a problem: addr has 26 bits, the address of an instruction has 32 bits. How is this solved in MIPS? — we need a mechanism to transform the 26-bit address in the instruction to a 32-bit address.
one instruction occupies 4 bytes in memory (recall that each byte in memory has an address)
we use the address of the lowest byte to refer to contiguous bytes
restriction: the address of the lowest byte should be a multiple of 4
as a result, the right-most two bits in the address of an instruction are always 00
we still need 30 bits
the left-most 4 bits in the address
- they are set as the left-most 4 bits of the content in PC
- why? do not jump too far away
- so we only need 26bits
- they are set as the left-most 4 bits of the content in PC
the target address we want to jump to (how did we get it?)

- ori指令可以将负整数的二进制补码表示形式放入寄存器吗? 不能,因为负数的二进制补码拓展要在前面补1,但是ori 通常与$0结合使用,会导致前面补0.
- 美国中央康涅狄格州立大学MIPS学习和联系:https://chortle.ccsu.edu/assemblytutorial/
- Qtspim,用于编辑MIPS文件:http://spimsimulator.sourceforge.net/
- MIPS文件在线运行器:https://spim.app.zhongxueguan.cn/
- Compiler-Explorer:https://godbolt.org/
- https://phoenix.goucher.edu/~kelliher/f2009/cs220/mipsir.html
- http://www.cs.uwm.edu/classes/cs315/Bacon/Lecture/HTML/ch05s07.html