阅读本文之前,你可能需要先学习 MIPS汇编语言简易入门3
- Program flow control
- Subroutine linkage
Program Flow Control
- Program is the ordered sequence of instructions
- instructions are executed sequentially
We want more functionalities: e.g., in high-level-languages, we have if-else, while ( condition), …
Assembly language build up these functionalities(功能) from basic instructions (the philosophy of RISC「RISC的原理」)
Jump Instruction
Recall: j addr and instruction cycle:
fetch — update PC — execute
How j addr should work?
fetch j addr— updata PC — execute j addr (PC = addr)
But NOT that easy!

Branch Delay Slot
Underlying reason (not required): MIPS is pipelined
To increase speed, processor will cleverly fetch multiple instructions and starts working on them all — a pipeline of instructions.
The instruction following jump is almost completed when jump is executed
Instead of wasting efforts, processor will allow to complete that instruction after jump instruction
The instruction right after jump instruction is called Brach Delay Slot. Not only jump instructions, all the instuctions that include jumping to another address need use Brach Delay Slot.
Effect: branch delay slot will always be executed
How to deal with this? — put a no-op instruction right after jump instruction

Importantly, PC will be set to addr after the branch delay slot is executed (not after j addr is executed)
Example of Jump

Hirsun的批注:有一说一,我觉得就是个执行先后的问题。一般执行 Instruction 和PC的改变的执行是同时的。根据上图的解释,如果没有pipeline mechanism(管道机制),PC 就会 按照 jump 0x00400000指令 变成 00400000。但是 因为 pipeline mechanism 的存在,能够先让PC改变,之后再执行这个周期的指令。MIPS在jump 指令使用后 使用 Branch Delay Slot 指令,由于PC收到指令,要变成 00400000。
Other Branch Instructions
Jump is one of the uncondition branch instructions.
Jump addr 带走消息
- 跳转到 addr指定的指令
- 正常做法:使用符号地址;在跳转指令之后立即放置“ no-op”指令
当然,还有其他的 branch instructions
Conditional Branch Instructions
- branch on equal: beq u,v, addr # if $u == $v, branches to addr
- branch on not equal: bne u,v, addr # if $u != $v, branches to addr
- branch on less than zero: bltz s, addr # if $s <0, branches to addr; note: $s in 2’s complement form
- branch on greater than or equal to zero: bge z s, addr # if $s>=0, branches to zero. note: $s in 2’s complement form
以上 branch instructions 之后 都要添加 Branch Delay Slot 指令。
Example 1
Essentially, the conditional branch instructions implement the “if … then do sth” control structure
branch on equal: beq u,v, addr # if $u == $v, branches to addr

Example 2
Two-way decision control structure: if true, do A; else do B
combine of conditional branch and jump

A good practice: draw the flow chart of the program first
Example 3
Program task: calculate the absolute value of A stored at a given address
- idea: if A < 0: store -A; else do nothing
- we can use one conditional branch instruction

the blank should fill with 0.
Question1: Determine if A is negative or not
- check the “sign” bit (at position 31) of A (assume 2’s complement form)
- shift right logical: srl $t0, $t1, const; shift the bits in $t1 to the right for const positions, and fill the left positions with 0; store the result in $t0
- note, we stored the value of A in $8; question: what’s the value of $9 after srl $9, $8, 31
Question2: Determine if A is negative or not
- the value of $9: first 31 bits are all 0, the last bit is the sign bit of A
- as a result, if $9 == 0, A is positive (or 0)
.globl main
# Load A
lui $10, 0x1000 # initialize the base register
lw $8, 0 ($10) # load A to register $8
# Is A negative?
srl $9, $8, 31 # shift the sign bit to position 0
beq $0, $9, done # check if $9 == 0
sll $0, $0, 0 # branch delay slot
# Store -A
subu $8, $0, $8 #calculate -A
sw $8, 0($10) # store -A back to the address
A: .word -1
Count Loop
A common type of program loop — execute for some fixed times, controlled by an integer (counter)
Three critical(关键的) parts
- initialize the counter
- test the counter value and end the loop on the correct value
- increment the counter
A top-driven loop in assembly language
- check the condition on the top
- use a combination of conditional branch, jump, and conditional set instructions

Conditional Set Instructions
Used to implement relational operations
- idea: set a register to 1 or 0 to show the relation between two values (often used as a flag)
- note: it will not change the program flow itself — rather, it can be used as some condition to trigger the branch instructions
Set on Less Than slt
slt d, s, t # $s and $t contains signed integers in 2’s complement
# set $d = 1 if $s < $t; else, set $d = 0
Other conditional set instructions
sltu d, s, t # used with unsigned integers
slti d, s, imm # Set on Less Than Immediate
# if $s < imm, set $d =1;
# else, set $d = 0
sltiu d, s, imm # used with unsigned integers


Subroutine Linkage
- 子例程是代码的逻辑划分,可以被视为独立操作
- 所有高级语言都有子例程的概念,也称为过程,函数,方法
- 子程序可以根据需要在程序中使用
Try with Jump Instruction

How?jump 到ret(在j子之后,将指令重新标记)

所以,这个时候我们就要用到 $ra Register
$ra Register
- $ra ($31) is the register used for linkage, it holds the return address for a subroutine
- idea: when we call a subroutine, we store the return address in $ra; when the subroutine is finished, the program returns to that address
- implementation: a pair of instructions jal and jr
jal and jr Instruction
jal sub
(1) set $ra to PC + 4
the result is that $ra stores the address of the (n+2)th instruction (suppose jar is the nth instruction)
in memory: jal| branch delay slot | instruction that will return to
(2) set PC to sub
jr $ra
set PC to $ra
Jal Example

Calling Convention
Calling convention is the agreement about how subroutines are called and how control is returned
- an agreement at the software level
- different languages and different operating systems for the same processor usually have different calling conventions

Use of Registers
Caller (e.g., main routine) and Callee (subroutine) both use registers to store data「调用者(例如主例程)和被调用者(子例程)都使用寄存器来存储数据」
conflict may happen — caller stored some data in a register and the callee may also use the register and change the data
it’s silly to go back to the caller to check which registers are used when writing subroutines — we need agreement among programmers
Different roles of registers
- $t0 - t9: subroutines can use without caution
- $s0 - $s7: saved registers; if need to use it, save the value first and restore the value after use
- $a0 - $a3: contain arguments for the subroutine
- $v0 - $v1: contain values returned from the subroutine
「$ t0-t9:子程序可以不加警告地使用
$ s0-$ s7:保存的寄存器;如果需要使用它,请先保存该值,然后再使用后恢复该值
$ a0-$ a3:包含子例程的参数
$ v0-$ v1:包含从子例程返回的值」
Example: is the following code a good convention(惯例)?

A Simple MIPS Calling Convention
Try to obey the following simple convention
- use jal and jr with $ra to call subroutines
- do not call another subroutine within a subroutine
- obey the conventional use of registers
Note: there are more complex calling conventions
a good online source: https://chortle.ccsu.edu/AssemblyTutorial/index.html#part7
- COMP2421@Polyu's learning lecture