大约 7 分钟
ls -al #查看目录
pwd #返回当前目录
cal #查看日历
ps -elf #查看进程
more #查看更多 可以组合 ps -elf|more
bash # start a subshell
exit # exit the subshell
(ls; cal 2022) | wc
作用: 打印
echo -n "You must be "
# -n keeps output on the same line
- 等号两边不能有空格
- local variables 小写
- global variables / environment variables 通常大写
$$ # evaluates to the PID of current shell (not the current command/process)
hello=world # 不建议,应当加上引号
name="Mickey Mouse"
echo $name # >>> name
PERSON=Mary # you may also use export again
export $PERSON
echo $PERSON
name1=John name2=”Mary Anne”
$ a=1 b=3 c=5 d=10
# var1=str1 var2=str2 ... varN=strN
echo $name1 and $name2 # >>> John and Mary Anne
Common Built-In Variables
- HOME: Store the full pathname of the home directory: where you will go to (home) when you just type cd.
- PATH: Store a list of directories to be searched when running programs or shell scripts, separated by “:”.
- PS1: Store primary prompt string, with a default value of '
', meaning system-version then$
. - PS2: Store secondary prompt string, with a default value of '> '. It is used for continuation of input lines.
- PWD: Store current working directory set by cd command.
- PPID: Store process id of parent.
Special Option Variables
history: Setting it will enable command history to be stored, useful for future, default to on.
noclobber: Setting it will prevent overwriting of files when using I/O redirection, default to off.
ignoreeof: Setting it will prevent accidental logging out with
(end of input), often used when entering data from keyboard, default to off.allexport: Setting it will automatically export all modified variables, default to off.
To turn on/off, use set –o/+o variable
- set –o noclobber # turn on noclobber feature
- set +o history # turn off history storage
将返回bash 执行 str 的结果
$ p2=”($PWD) $(whoami)- ”
$ echo $p2
# >>> (/home/12345678d) 12345678d-
var=(val1 val2 ... valN) # initialize an array of size N
var[i]=val # assign val to element i in array var
${var[i]} # access element i in array var
${#var[i]} # return length of element i in array var
${#var[*]} # return number of non-null elements in array var
Single quote (’str’)
- The strong quote.
- Enclosed string looks like literal.
- No substitution and no execution is done.
Double quote (”str”)
- The weak quote.
- Enclosed string is almost like literal.
- Substitution is done for variable contents (prefixed with "
"). - Execution is done for back-quoted commands.
- Watch out for "!!", which is trying to match a past command.
- This is a bug in showing the current command.
A special backquote enables a command to be executed
In bash, it is more common to put it as $(str)
Shell Scripts
- We use bash, so the first line is "
". - Warning: never create a shell script called test.
- chmod 700 file or chmod u+x file
- A shell script does not do unnecessary work.
- A shell script should perform the task for which it is intended.
- A shell script should run without errors.
- Shell script program logic is clearly defined and apparent.
- Shell scripts should be reusable.
Read input
echo –n ’Please enter your name: ’
read name
read –p ’Please enter your name: ’ name
echo name is $name
Command Line Argument
- The script name is assigned to
(inclusive of the./
part of the path). - All words following the script name are assigned to
$1, $2, $3 … ${10}, ${11},
and so on.