Combinational Logic 3
Combinational Logic 3
Work flow: from real-world problems to digital circuits「工作流程:从实际问题到数字电路」
- modeling of real-world problems (input, output, switching functions, Z = f (A,B,C, …, ))
- truth table: another representation of boolean functions
- SOP/POS forms
- digital circuits

Given a Boolean expression, we may have two qustions
- can it be simplified?
- if you found simplification, is it the simplest form?
- a systematical way — Karnaugh map (K-map)
Algebraic simplification「代数简化」
- applying the properties「属性/性质」 of boolean algebra「应用布尔代数的属性」
- essentially「实质上」, it is done by observation — not good for complex expressions
Karnaugh map (K-map)「卡诺地图」
- a systematical way「成系统的方法」 to deal with expressions with few (up to 4, 5) variables「一种处理带有很少(最多4、5)个变量的表达式的系统方法」
Quine-McKluskey tables 「奎因-麦克卢斯基表」(more variables)
Karnaugh Map
A representation of boolean function「实质:一种布尔函数的表示方法」
- an array of squares「正方形阵列」
- each square represent a combination of input values「每个正方形代表输入值的组合」
- for n variables, there are 2^n squares「对于n个变量,有个2^n个正方形」

- each square can also represent a product term

把 K-Map转换成 SOP式子

Use for Simplification
Given any boolean function, how to do simplification use Karnaugh map?
Transform the boolean function to canonical form: each term must contain each variable「将布尔函数转换为规范形式:每个term必须包含每个变量」

Group “1-squares” to blocks

Grouping Squares into Blocks 「将方块分组」
- Rules of grouping 1-squares into blocks
- group adjacent 1-squares into one block
- one block can contain  2^i 1-squares (1, 2, 4, 8,…)
- Goals ogrou ouping 1-squares into blocks
- number of blocks should be minimized「块的数量应最小化」
- size of a block should be maximized「块的大小应最大化」
Adjacent squares
Note: “00, 01, 11, 10” are arranged in this order such that adjacent squares differ in one variable


We wan to minimize the number of blocks「我们要最小化块数」
Reuse Block
We can reuse the 1-square to increase the size of the block「我们可以重用1平方来增加块的大小」

Example 1

Which one is better?
Choose blocks with larger size even there are more overlaps — the first one can result in the simplest form「即使有更多的重叠,也要选择更大尺寸的块-第一个可以形成最简单的形式」
Example 2

Derive Term from Block
- Each block represents a term
- cancel the variable which has inconsistent values in the block 「取消块中值不一致的变量」


Steps of using K-map for simplification
- given any boolean function
- transform it canonical form
- draw the K-map
- group the 1-squares into blocks
- derive terms from blocks
Another feature
featute 此处翻译为 特点,而不是功能
Another feature of K-map — “don’t care” conditions
Motivation: for some problems, we do not need to define a complete truth table
- that is, some combinations of input values are not meaningful「也就是说,输入值的某些组合是没有意义的」
- example: consider decimal incrementer: input = X, output = (X+1) mod 10, where X ranges from 0 to 9「示例:考虑十进制增量器:输入= X,输出=(X + 1)mod 10,其中X的范围是0到9」
- we use 4 bits to represent the input/output — there is redundant「有余的」
- example: consider decimal incrementer: input = X, output = (X+1) mod 10, where X ranges from 0 to 9「示例:考虑十进制增量器:输入= X,输出=(X + 1)mod 10,其中X的范围是0到9」
for don’t care conditions, we mark the corresponding「相应的」 squares in K-map as “d”

d-square in K-map
you can specify「指定」the value of “d” (1 or blank) in the K-map
Purpose: reduce the number of blocks & increase the size of blocks

Sequential Circuits
Sequential Circuits「顺序电路」
Combinational Circuits「组合电路」 vs. Sequential Circuits「顺序电路」
Combinational Circuits are memoryless「组合电路是无记忆的」
- the output depends only on the current input (there is an exceptional case of ROM)「输出仅取决于当前输入(ROM有一个例外情况)」
- there is another class of logic circuits with such property: the outputs depend not only on the current inputs, but also on the past behavior of the circuit — there are storage elements (memory) in the circuits「还有另一类具有这种特性的逻辑电路:输出不仅取决于电流输入,还取决于电路的过去行为—电路中有存储元件(存储器)」
- the contents of the storage elements represent the state of the circuit「存储元件的内容表示电路的状态」
- the input may leave the circuit in the same state, or cause it to a new state;「输入可能使电路保持相同状态,或使其变为新状态;」
- output (next state) = current input + current state「输出(下一个状态)=当前输入+当前状态」
- over time, the circuit changes through a sequence of states as a result of changes in the inputs「随着时间的流逝,由于输入的变化,电路会通过一系列状态变化」
- circuits that exhibit this behavior are referred to as sequential circuits「表现出这种行为的电路称为顺序电路」
Simple but useful examples of sequential circuits
- different types of Flip-Flops
- registers
- counters
There are a variety of flip-flops, all of which share two properties「有各种各样的触发器,它们都具有两个特性」
- it is a bistable「双稳态」 device: it exists in one of two states and, in the absence of input, remains in that state「它是一个双稳态设备:它处于两种状态之一,并且在没有输入的情况下仍保持该状态」
- it has two outputs, Qand -Q (the complement of each other)「它有两个输出,Q和Q拔(彼此互补)」
S-R Latch (S-R Flip-Flop)
S-R Latch (S-R Flip-Flop) 「S-R锁存器」
- Use the output Q as the state of the Latch
- it has two stable states: Q = 1 and Q = 0

We can see that S-R Latch can be used as a storage element to store 1 bit (1-bit memory)「我们可以看到S-R锁存器可以用作存储1位(1位内存)的存储元素」
Note the feedback path in the circuit「Note the feedback path in the circuit」

Change Input

Characteristic Table
Use characteristic table to describe a sequential circuit:describe the relations between next state (output) and input & current state「使用特性表来描述时序电路:描述下一个状态(输出)与输入和当前状态之间的关系」

注:00不变,S 改 1 下一个Q为1,R 改 1下一个Q为0;S和R只有一个可以变成一,另一个必须为0;

Synchronization Issue
The change of inputs causes the change of states「输入的变化导致状态的变化」
- in digital computers, we want to unify「统一」 the timings of changes「在数字计算机中,我们希望统一变更的时间」
- solution: use a clock signal such that the changes of inputs occur only when a clock pulse「时钟脉冲」 occurs「解决方案:使用时钟信号,以使输入的更改仅在出现时钟脉冲时才发生」
- all changes are synchronized to this clock (time is digitalized「数字化」)「所有更改都同步到此时钟(时间已数字化)」

How to use clock for synchronization?「如何使用时钟进行同步?」
use AND gate: consider Y = X AND Clock, when Clock = 0, Y=0; when Clock = 1, Y = X

Clocked S-R Flip-Flop
1-bit memory
- use S and R to control the writing of bit 0/1「使用S和R控制位0/1的写入」
- use clock to control when to write —when the flip-flop is “triggered「触发」”「使用时钟来控制何时写入,即“触发”触发器时」
- we use Timing Diagram「时序图」 to illustrate 「说明」the changing of input/output with respect to the clock signal「我们使用时序图来说明输入/输出相对于时钟信号的变化」「高中生物的有性生殖使用过」

Idealized Timing Diagram
Edge-triggered Flip-Flops 「边缘触发的触发器」
the output changes at the “edge” of the clock signal (when the clock signal changes)「输出在时钟信号的“边缘”改变(当时钟信号改变时)」

flip-flops could be positive-edge-trigged or negative edge trigged「触发器可以是正边沿触发或负边沿触发」
idealized: no gate delay would be shown in the timing diagram「理想化:时序图中不会显示门延迟」
注:理想化模型没有门延迟,即不考虑Gate Delay
use the bubble for indication「用气泡指示」

Other Common Flip-Flops
D Flip-Flop
- one problem with S-R flip-flop is that R = S = 1 should be avoid
- D flop-flop uses a single input source: it is a S-R flip-flop with S = -R

- the output is always equal to the most recent input value D「the output is always equal to the most recent input value D」
- storage for one bit of data

J-K Flip-Flop
all combinations of two input values are valid (including 1 1)「两个输入值的所有组合均有效(包括1 1)」

- used in CPU to store one or more bits (multiple flip-flops)「在CPU中用于存储一个或多个位(多个触发器)」
- two types: shift registers and parallel registers「两种类型:移位寄存器和并行寄存器」
- parallel registers: a set of 1-bit memories that change state simultaneously「同时的」「并行寄存器:一组同时改变状态的1位存储器」
- shift registers: states are changed sequentially「移位寄存器:状态顺序更改」
Example: 8-bit Parallel Registers
注意:source of data (can use MUX to connect to multiple sources)「根据资料:可以使用MUX连接到多个源」

Example: 5-bit Shift Registers

with each clock pulse, data are shifted to the right on position, and the rightmost bit is transferred out「每个时钟脉冲都会将数据移到右边的正确位置,最右边的位会被移出」
shift registers can be used to interface to serial I/O devices, or perform logical shift in ALU「移位寄存器可用于与串行I / O设备接口,或在ALU中执行逻辑移位」
A register whose value will increment by 1
- for a counter composed of N flip-flops, the value ranges from 0 to ; that is, the output of each flip-flop serves as one bit of the N-bit number「对于由N个触发器组成的计数器,该值的范围是0到;也就是说,每个触发器的输出都作为N位数字的一位」
- asynchronous counter「异步计数器」: states of flip-flops will NOT change at the same time
- synchronous counter「同步计数器」: states of flip-flops WILL change at the same time
Ripple Counter
Ripple Counter「纹波计数器」
An asynchronous counter is also referred to as a ripple counter「波纹计数器」
the change that occurs to increment the counter starts at one end and “ripples” through to the other end「递增计数器所发生的变化始于一端,“波纹”直至另一端」

note: the states (outputs) of the flip-flops does not change at the same time; instead, the change ripples through to the other end「注意:触发器的状态(输出)不会同时改变。相反,变化会波及到另一端」

all the inputs to the JK flip-flops are 1 「JK触发器的所有输入均为1」
the clock controls the toggling of output: if there is a clock pulse, the output is toggled「时钟控制输出的切换:如果有时钟脉冲,则切换输出」
the JK flip-flops are sequentially connected: the output of the previous flip-flop serves as the clock (control signal) of the next flip-flop「JK触发器顺序连接:前一个触发器的输出用作下一个触发器的时钟(控制信号)」

Synchronous Counter
- use the outputs of N flip-flops to denote the number「使用N个触发器的输出表示数字」
- states change at the same time「状态同时改变」
- use synchronous counter as the example to show the design process of sequential circuits — from truth table to SOP to circuits「以同步计数器为例,演示时序电路的设计过程-从真值表到SOP再到电路」
Example: 3-bit Synchronous Counter
- Use 3 J-K flip-flops to implement 3-bit counter「使用3个J-K触发器实现3位计数器」
- output of 3 J-K flip-flops: CBA「3 J-K触发器的输出:CBA」
- states: 000 -> 001 -> 010 -> 011 -> 100 -> 101 -> 110 ->111 -> 000
- key: identify the required inputs to change one state to the next state「关键:确定所需的输入以将一种状态更改为另一种状态」
注:我们的目标是让states按照000 -> 001 -> 010 -> 011 -> 100 -> 101 -> 110 ->111 -> 000改变。(尽管前面可以用加法器进行加法)

Now, we can use the same way in the designing of combinatorial circuits:
- treat A, B, C as inputs (feedback path)「将A,B,C视为输入(反馈路径)」
- treat each J, K as a function of A, B,C「将每个J,K视为A,B,C的函数」
- then construct a Karnaugh map for each J, K「然后为每个J,K构造一个卡诺图」

Exercise after class: draw the timing diagram for this sequential circuit (how A, B, C would change with Clock?)「课后练习:画出该时序电路的时序图(A,B,C随时钟如何变化?)」