Virtual Memory
Virtual Memory
Problem: if a program requires 1GB main memory, but we have only 1MB physical main memory, how can execute the program?「问题:如果一个程序需要1 GB的主内存,而我们只有1 MB的物理主内存,那么如何执行该程序?」
- 1K = 2^10 = 1024
- 1M = 2^20 = 1024 * K
- 1G = 2^30 = 1024 * M
- 1T = 2^40 = 1024 * G
Virtual memory, a technique that allows to fit the 1GB program into the 1MB physical main memory so that the program can execute
Program Image
![image.png image.png](
The program image is too large to be fit into the main memory
![image.png image.png](
Executing a program
![image.png image.png](
Memory access in program execution
During execution, the CPU frequently goes to main memory to fetch data (instructions, data)「在执行期间,CPU经常进入主存储器以获取数据(指令,数据)」
![image.png image.png](
- Chunk the program image into virtual pages「将程序映像分块为虚拟页面」
- into physical pages, also called frames「将主内存分成物理页面,也称为框架」
- Each time, load a page into a specific frame of the main memory「每次将页面加载到主存储器的特定帧中」
Each time, load a page into a frame of the main memory
![CleanShot 2021-04-12 at 23.24.12.gif CleanShot 2021-04-12 at 23.24.12.gif](
Page 2 will use the physical address that has been used by Page 0
![image.png image.png](
Issue 1: needs to remember which page is put into which frame
Page table: a mapping from virtual pages to frames
![image.png image.png](
Issue 2: if the memory is full, and a new page will be loaded, which old page to replace?
- Similar to cache
- Many replacement policies, leveraging locality
Page table
页表的大小是 Number of page table entries「页表条目数」
- Page entry size = virtual page bits + physical page bits
- Page table size = Number of page table entries * entries
General Address translation
If I want to use a data item in my executable file, which has been loaded to main memory, how do I know the physical address of the data item?「如果要在可执行文件中使用已加载到主存储器中的数据项,我如何知道该数据项的物理地址?」
![image.png image.png](
To access “G” in physical main memory
- That is, to determine the physical address of “G”
- Which page is “G” in? -> page 1
- Where is page 1 loaded to? -> frame 3
- What’s G’s offset in page 1? -> 0x10 away for the start of page 1
- Physical address = start address of frame 3 + G’s offset
- 0x0100 + 0x10 = 0x0110
- Go to main memory with address 0x0110, you will get data item G
![image.png image.png](
General steps
- Virtual address (x) 由 page number (x) 和 offset (x) 组成
- Check page table, page number (x) -> frame number (x)
- Frame number (x) -> starting address (x)
- Starting address (x) + offset (x) = physical address (x)
If we want to access “b” which is in page 2. When we check the page table, do not find page 2 (page fault)
- page 2 has not been loaded into physical memory
- load page 2 into main memory
- if no space, kick out some old page
- do address translation for b, get b’s physical address
- fetch b from main memory to CPU
- Assume we use 24bits for an Virtual address
- Assume the first virtual page/physical page is numbered from 0
- In a paging system, the size of one page is 1KB
1KB = 1024 Bytes = 2^10 bytes 我们需要10位来存储 offset (x)
剩下的 24-10 = 14位 来存储Page number
![image.png image.png](
![image.png image.png](
在Page Table里,我们只需记录 Virtual Page Number 。在每个Page里,每个条目的前14位相同。
![image.png image.png](
offset 用于表示偏差
![image.png image.png](
Memory Management Unit
Address translation is done by a special hardware in CPU called Memory Management Unit (MMU)「地址转换由CPU中称为内存管理单元(MMU)的特殊硬件完成。」
- Address translation is too complex and slow
- We need a fast worker to do the job
![image.png image.png](
Translation lookaside buffer
Accessing page table in main memory is slow
Translation lookaside buffer (TLB): a cache for page table in the CPU chip
![image.png image.png](
Other question
VM as a way for memory management「VM作为内存管理的一种方式」
- The need for memory management
- There are multiple processes in the system sharing the memory
- Memory space is generally insufficient for all the processes
- Targets of memory management
- How to allocate memory space to concurrent processes?「如何为并发进程分配内存空间?」
- Space efficiency
- How to provide protection so that process A cannot access the data of process B?「如何提供保护,以使进程A无法访问进程B的数据?」
- How to allocate memory space to concurrent processes?「如何为并发进程分配内存空间?」
Memory allocation to multiple processes
Memory allocation for multiple processes「多个进程的内存分配」
- Each process can use a specific amount of physical pages「每个过程可以使用特定数量的物理页面」
- Each virtual page can be mapped to any physical page「每个虚拟页面都可以映射到任何物理页面」
- A virtual page can be stored in different physical pages at different times「虚拟页面可以在不同时间存储在不同的物理页面中」
![image.png image.png](
Memory protection
- Extend page table entries with permission bits
- MMU will check these bits on each access
![image.png image.png](
- COMP1411's PowerPoint