Networking Protocols
Networking Protocols
- IP 数据报包含一个 IP 地址
- IP 地址在操作系统中配置(例如 DHCP)
- 大多数集群交换机都在数据链路层「datalink」(第 2 层)运行。
- L2交换机只理解MAC地址
- 端口的概念只存在于计算机中
- 需要将 IP 地址映射到 MAC 地址的方法
Solution: Address Resolution Protocol
ARP Protocol
Address Resolution Protocol「地址解析协议」
- A Network Layer (Layer 2)protocol
- Translates the IP address of a computer on a local network to an equivalent layer 2 address (MAC address)
Example: Sending a packet from machine A to B using level-2 switch.
- 问题:给定 B 的 IP 地址,如何确定 B 的 MAC 地址?
- ARP Protocol: A 想要向 B 发送数据报,而 A 不知道 B 的 MAC 地址。
- Solution:
- A 广播 ARP 查询数据包,其中包含 B 的 IP 地址
- Dest MAC address: FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
- all machines on LAN receive ARP query
- B receives ARP packet, replies to A with its (B's)MAC address (unicast)
- Dest MAC address = A's MAC address
- A 在其 ARP 表中缓存(保存)IP 到 MAC 地址对,直到信息变旧(超时)
- ARP is "plug-and-play「即插即用」": 节点无需网络管理员干预即可创建 ARP 表
- 节点无需网络管理员的干预即可创建其 ARP 表
- A 广播 ARP 查询数据包,其中包含 B 的 IP 地址
ARP Packet Format
ARP Table
由于为每个 IP 数据报发送 ARP 请求/应答的效率很低,因此主机会对当前条目 ARP 表进行缓存。
- ARP Table: IP/MAC address mappings for some LAN nodes:IP address; MAC address; TTL>
- TTL (Time To Live):time after which address mapping will be forgotten (typically 20 min)
ARP Command
- arp 命令本身用于查看 ARP 表中的当前信息。
- 该表将网段上机器的 IP 地址与它们的 MAC 地址进行了映射。
NAT Protocol
NAT is a router function where IP addresses (and possibly port numbers) of IP datagrams are replaced at the boundary of a private network
- Run on routers that connect private networks to the public Internet
- Replace the IP address-port pair of an IP packet with another IP address-port pair
- 使专用网络「private network」上的主机能够与 Internet 上的主机进行通信
Also known as:
- IP Masquerading - Linux
- Port Address Translation (PAT) - Cisco
Private Network
Private IP network is an IP network that is not directly connected to the Internet.
- Not allocated to any specific organization
- Non-routable: IP packets addressed by them cannot be transmitted onto the public Internet
Private IP address ranges:
NAT Motivation
Motivation: "Single Entry Point" -> uses just one IP address for the whole cluster as far as outside world is concerned:
- 可以在不通知外界的情况下更改本地网络中设备的IP地址(易于使用)
- 可以在不改变本地网络设备IP地址的情况下更换ISP(方便管理)
- Devices inside local net not explicitly addressable, visible by outside world (more secure).「本地网内的设备不可明确寻址,但可被外界看到(更安全)。」
Claim: 50% of broadband users are behind NATs
Outgoing Web Client Through NAT: